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Water, its uses and impacts

by Admin 04 Aug 2023

Water, its uses and impacts

We are made of water and it is one of the most vital elements for all life on earth.

In Ayurveda water is used to purify the body internally and externally. Drinking water is one of the easiest ways to detoxify your body while showering and bathing daily cleanses your aura.

Water is the most important nutrient our body requires at least every few hours during the day. Our body needs it to perform many important functions from digestion, regulating body temperature to transporting nutrients. Feeling thirsty is brain's way of telling you that you are dehydrated and your body doesn't have enough fluids to function properly.

Water represents soma, the nourishing, cooling quality that is associated with lunar energy. It helps with digestion, cools and balances Pitta dosha, supports Kapha, and counteracts the dryness of Vata. It nurtures, lubricates and also detoxifies when it flows out of the body as urine.

Water for Your Body Type

How much water you should drink depends on your age, how much physical work or exercise you do, the weather, your diet, your stress levels, your herbal food supplements, and your body type. The warm Pitta types usually are thirstier than the watery Kapha types. Vata types are often constipated or have dry skin and thus need to drink more water. Ayurveda suggests the way you choose to drink water affects your health.

The Ayurveda Way of Drinking Water:

  • First of all, sit down and have a drink (just as you should sit down when you eat).
  • Take a sip, do not drink the whole glass. Sip, swallow, breathe. Repeat.
  • The water temperature should be at least the same as the room temperature. Cold and icy waters literally shuts down your digestive fire.
  • Do not drink a lot of water before or after meals.
  • Your lips are another indicator. If they are dry, it is likely your body is dehydrated.
  • As soon as you wake up, make it a point to drink warm water.

Drinking Water Before, During and After Meal

आदि मध्यावसानेषु भोजने पयसा युते  काश्यं साम्यं तथा स्थौल्यमिति स्युः क्रमशो गुणाः ॥१५९॥


Before Meal


During Meal


After Meal



According to ayurveda, if you drink water before a meal, it causes weakness. Because drinking excess water before a meal, you will be unable to eat an adequate amount of food during a meal. If you drink a small amount of water during the meal, it has a balancing effect or no effect on your health. If you drink water after a meal, it can lead to obesity.

What is the best gap period between meal and water intake?

Before Meal

40 minutes before a meal

After Meal

2 hours after a meal


Meanwhile, if you feel thirsty, you can also drink water regardless of the time. Just you need to remember that you should not drink water in excess.

Benefits of drinking enough water:

  • Feel alert throughout the day—our brains are made of water & dehydration can affect our ability to focus
  • Aids in weight loss—sometimes when we feel hungry we are actually thirsty, before reaching for a snack, drink some water which may satisfy any cravings
  • A daily mini detox —by drinking enough water you will successfully eliminate toxins through your urine and sweat
  • Hydrated, glowing skin—often when we have dry skin or look sallow it’s because we aren’t drinking enough water, water is the cheapest and most effective tool in your beauty toolbox, it can even keep wrinkles at bay!
  • Keep your body feeling young—drinking water lubricates your muscles and joints allowing you to be more mobile and active
  • Relieve headaches and migraines —if you feel a headache coming on, sip some water, headaches and migraines are often caused by dehydration
  • Keeps you regular—drinking water and being properly hydrated aids your digestive system and helps reduce any constipation.


NOTE: The information in this article is intended for your educational use only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition and before undertaking any diet, supplement, fitness, or other health programs.